Monthly Archives: August 2022

9 posts

Wesleyan Methodist Baptisms for Prince Edward County

Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register – PEC

These surnames and many more appear in the Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register for Prince Edward County, covering a large part of the 1800s. Information in these baptismal records showing fathers, mothers, birthdates, locations and ministers are indexed and organized into a format promoting genealogical research. Bongard-Clapp-Sprung-Clark-Walt-Curry-Dingman-Squires-Dulmage-Furgeson-Haylock-Weese-Hicks-Kerr-Lalanne Williamson-Larmer-Love-McCoid-Adams-McLellan-Miller-Reynolds-Ackerman-Robins-Rose-Butler-Ruttan-Switzer-Thompson-Chase-Trotter-VanDusen-Herington-VanVlack-Waddington-Morden-Wallbanks-Master-Cole-Deremo-Garrison-Moore-Reid-Walmsley-Bennett-Carson-Harrison-Patterson-Toby-Anderson-Brooks-Choats-Redner-Cook-Delong-Dempsey-Fox-Frederick-Giles-Way-Haycock-Hayes-Johnson-McCullogh-Beminger-Roblin-Burley-Hill-Martin-Ostrander Check out this […]

Betty Bruce Scrapbook

Betty Bruce Scrapbook

The Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society was officially formed in 1980 by a small group of people, who got together and were interested in Genealogy. Betty Bruce, her husband Lorne, and their son Roy, along with his wife Ruth, were all part of the founding members of the […]