Monthly Archives: March 2022

7 posts

Gerald Belanger Collection

Gerald Belanger has been collecting newspaper clippings and writing the history of the Centre Hastings  community for over a decade. Quinte Branch OGS is pleased to announce that we have been given permission to publish Gerald’s work for the genealogy and historical communities. While focusing mainly on Marmora, the newspapers […]

Software for Genealogists

Genealogists collect and manage images of important documents and photos; they correspond with other genealogists and relatives; they create documents and charts; they access a multitude of websites; they absorb skills and proficiency from webinars and podcasts. If this sounds like your life … this workshop is for YOU!

Quinte Branch Marketplace

The Quinte Branch has joined the OGS “Marketplace”. As a result of this move the Quinte Branch is no longer providing CD’s for cemetery transcriptions. More than 300 cemetery transcriptions can be viewed by members for free in the Members’ Lounge or purchased online from the Quinte Branch as a direct download from […]