Branch News: 2005-2006

Library Moves to Trenton
Photographs by Georgette Green and Larry McQuoid 

On July 17th, 2006 volunteers from the Quinte Branch moved the Branch Library holdings into their new home at Quinte West Public Library in Trenton, Ontario, Canada.

A torrential downpour (which lasted all day!) didn’t deter branch members as they move the holdings from storage and load vans for the convoy to Trenton. Energy was restored over brunch and the group arrived ready to add the collection to the newly installed shelving.

Boxes, boxes and more boxes arrived. Unpacking and labeling began while plans were made to organize and shelve the collection.

Branch volunteers worked hard throughout the afternoon and more than half the collection was unpacked by the end of a very satisfying day.

The Quinte Branch Genealogical Library is now open for research to members and non-members. Research can be conducted on-site or through correspondence with our experienced and dedicated volunteers.

Quinte Branch 25th Anniversary
Written by Marilyn Harry, Photos by Nancy Trimble


On arrival, we were greeted with the smell of coffee and an offering of donuts and muffins–a good way to start the party. The 25th Anniversary Celebration, September 24, 2005, was opened by the local Town Crier, Bruce Bedell, reciting a genealogy cry and announcing the celebration activities of Quinte Branch of the Ontario Genealogical Society.

Carole Foshay, the acting-chair, welcomed everyone and conducted a moment’s silence for departed members and the loved ones of our members. Then she turned the meeting over to Marilyn Harry, the anniversary chairperson.

The agenda included periods of door prize draws and ticket draws throughout the day, interspersed with recognition of volunteers, charter members, committee helpers, past-chairs and interesting readings of a topical nature. The readings: “I’m My Own Grandpa”, “The Census Taker”, “Do You Live Your Dash?”, “A Poem for Genealogists” and “Murphy’s Laws of Genealogy” were presented by, Dick Hughes, Don Dulmage, Tina Gemmell, Stacy Goddard and Brian Tackaberry.

Mr. Ron Walsh, OGS President, brought greetings from head office and presented a 25th Anniversary plaque to the group. Mrs. Nancy Trimble, Region VII Director, brought greetings from the other Regional Branches, Kawartha & Durham, and spoke on next year’s Seminar to be hosted by Durham Region. Bob Daws, during a presentation of 3 transcriptions of Assessment Rolls on the Stirling Rawdon area, brought greetings from the Stirling-Rawdon Historical Society.

The morning speakers were Mr. Roy Bruce and Mrs. Ann Rowe. Roy was a charter member and is still a member, first vice-chair, originator of our newsletter–The Searchlight, second
chair, and second coordinator of the 1871 Census Transcription project. He spoke about his years as chair, early happenings and how the newsletter has changed over the years. Ann joined the Branch during the first year of operation and is still a member, was an early chair, a willing volunteer on different committees, Regional Director, Chair of the ‘Places of Worship Project’ and a cemetery transcriber. She brought greetings from the Campbellford Seymour Heritage Society and gave an interesting overview of her years of being involved with the Branch. The speakers were thanked and presented with a commemorative certificate and a small gift of appreciation.

The afternoon speaker was Ms. Kathie Orr of KORR Enterprises, explaining about the Archives of Ontario – what numerous documents we might expect to find and how and where to locate them. Now if we can just remember all that she told us, it will make our next visit to the archives much easier and not so daunting. She was also, thanked and presented with a commemorative certificate and an honorarium.

The day’s formal line-up was topped off by a musical presentation by local entertainer, Andy Forgie. Carole Foshay closed the day’s festivities and then we enjoyed a time of socializing with everyone, before heading home.

To keep up our stamina for the day, there was a pot-luck lunch with numerous, scrumptious dishes – both first course and desserts – to be sampled and an anniversary cake cut by Ann Rowe and Roy Bruce.

The especially nice part of the day was to see some of our early volunteers and members that we had not seen in some time and that some of the newer members had not met before. It was interesting to hear what these people were up to these days – still busy and involved in life’s pursuits.

At this time, I would like to thank all those who came out that day to help us celebrate, bought draw tickets, brought delicious food, and donated prizes. Also, thanks to the members-at-large, who cannot or are not able to help with every-day activities, but still support us with your membership fees, publication purchases and general moral backing. Special thanks to the committee members who came up with the ideas, did a lot of the running around, did the decorating, etc. etc.–Carole Foshay, Stacy Goddard, Lynn Heale, Roberta Cullin, Noreen Smith and Mary Culloden – “Thanks girls, I couldn’t have done it without you”.

Happy Anniversary to All!

Town Crier – Bruce Bedell Ron Walsh – Carole Foshay Ann Rowe – Roy Bruce
Marilyn Harry – Volunteers Quinte Branch Library Laughtons from Calgary

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