Helping Hands Outreach Program at Quinte Branch:
… to facilitate research collaboration, brick wall demolition, and cousin finding.
This SIL replaces the Surname Interest List published annually in our December issue of the Quinte Searchlight newsletter. We intend to publish updates here, twice a year, on or about June and December.
The SIL is comprised of family surnames of interest to our members, past members and library contacts (AKA the providers), based on their research focus in Hastings, Prince Edward, and neighboring Counties.
The SIL is offered below in two downloadable files:
–> one sorted by surname, which depicts the number of providers researching, for example, the name “Jones”
–> one sorted by providers, which depicts all of the surnames of interest to each provider.
Download the files and check out the possibilities that one or more of our SIL providers may have similar or identical research interests to you.
If you decide that you would like to make contact with a provider, send us an email to [email protected] with “SIL Contact Request” in the subject line. In the text of your message include, at a minimum, the code number of the provider(s) and the surname(s) in which you are interested, plus a brief note about the primary ancestors in each surname. This will help the provider to better determine if you are researching, for example, the same Jones family.
We will forward your contact request email to each provider you have identified and we will ask them to consider replying to your SIL message. It will be entirely up to them, much like tree owner requests on Ancestry and other well-known genealogical websites.
Good Hunting!
SIL by Surname (download file)
*Updated April 2024
SIL by Provider (download file)
*Updated April 2024
Click here for a “searchable” Surname Interest List (SIL) Updated: April 2024
In February of 2021 the Quinte Branch announced and released a new update to its internet-based SIL service designed to facilitate the efforts of family history researchers who share common interests and objectives with respect to the same ancestral families to collaborate with each other. In addition to broadening the access to SIL vis a vis Quinte Branch, we also expanded the number of potential contacts to be made while enhancing and preserving privacy concerns.
Moreover, for the first time in almost 40 years, Quinte Branch Council finally has visibility of the activity generated by this service, and through feedback, awareness of the benefits and shortfalls.
During a test period in 2016, we have had about 20 requests from members, past members and non-members for contact with providers of the Surname Interest List opportunities. That resulted in about 80 plus requests for contact with providers. Some providers chose not to respond, and in one case, none of the requested providers responded. Since it is the choice of the provider whether to respond, these random negative results are to be expected.
As of October 2023, the files above represent the most current update to the SIL files, and we are intent on adjusting the service guidelines when and where we see an opportunity to make meaningful improvements.
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Update Notice: August 2024
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